George’s Speech
Ladies and
Gentlemen, One & all
At speeches I’m
a duffer
So I’ve written
this poem – it won’t take long
I will not make
you suffer
If you listen carefully
To my little
The quicker we
can get on with it
And have a jolly
good time
On the twenty fifth of July in
Nineteen sixty seven
We had our
second Daughter
Our precious
gift from Heaven
She entered our World without much fuss
Though for Jean
I think some pain
On a typical
English summers morn
It was
pi----pouring down with rain
Sister Jacqui backed a cake
Her head was in
a whirl
Brothers Pete
& Steve said
“Not another
bloomin girl!”
We bore her home with parental pride
Of our prayers she
was the answer
And in due time
we finally
Christened her
Then just before her third birthday
Without a
thought of failure
I upped &
took her one & all
My family to
Even now in hindsight
And after a
third decade
It was the best
That I have ever
Sam took to the Sun the Surf & Sand
The clear blue
pristine water
She loved it all
& truly became
A West
Australian Daughter
She studied hard, a perfectionist
Swotting was her
All to be
rewarded when
She was crowned
Dux of her School
Now if all of this seems lovely
And it is quite
truly so
There is another
side of Sam
I think you may
not know
No matter what she touches
However trivial
or bland
It all has a
terrible habit of
Just coming
apart in her hands
Now upon this trait I’ve thought long & hard
For something to
put a cap on
But in the end I
just gave up
She’s a disaster
waiting to happen
But beneath all this frivolity
One thing I know
for certain
Sam is and
always has been
A selfless
caring person
So if all my critical rubbishing
Seems a bit hard
to bear
It’s all a part
of an old old game
That Sam & I
both share
We’ve been doing it for all our lives
Together in our
For we both know
there will always be
A very special
bond between us
So finally and at long long last
She met her
Knight so brave
Small wonder
they took so long to meet
With him down a
bloody cave!
She really had after so so long
Met her perfect
If only she
could entice him away
From that infernal
Now that brings us to Rauleigh
Who’s love for
Sam he shares
With almost half
a household
Of fluffy teddy
I’m sure the bears don’t mind
In fact I’m
certain that
As they share
the house with dozens
Of Rauleigh’s
crazy hats!
So on this very happy day
We have gained
another Son
I hope he is as
pleased as me
Our two families
are now one
And now that they are truly joined
My Darlings Sam & Rauleigh
As they set out
together on
The next chapter
of their story
I gladly hand Sam over
To sit on Rauleigh’s knee
To fill his
heart with her love & joy
Just as she did
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