B. laricina cone on the Brand Highway south of Regan's Ford. B. laricina bud, about to flower, on the Brand Highway south of Regan's Ford B. laricina cones on the Brand Highway south of Regan's Ford. B. laricina cone on the Brand Highway south of Regan's Ford. B. laricina cone on the Brand Highway south of Regan's Ford. B. laricina bud, about to flower, on the Brand Highway south of Regan's Ford B. laricina plant on the Brand Highway south of Regan's Ford. B. laricina plant with lots of buds on the Brand Highway south of Regan's Ford. B. laricina flower on the Brand Highway south of Regan's Ford. B. laricina cone on the Brand Highway south of Regan's Ford. B. laricina cone on the Brand Highway south of Regan's Ford. B. laricina bud, about to flower, on the Brand Highway south of Regan's Ford B. laricina cone on the Brand Highway south of Regan's Ford B. laricina cones on the Brand Highway south of Regan's Ford B. laricina open cone on the Brand Highway south of Regan's Ford B. laricina plant and B. attenuata on the Brand Highway south of Regan's Ford B. laricina plant on the Brand Highway south of Regan's Ford B. laricina plant with buds on the Brand Highway south of Regan's Ford B. laricina cones on the Brand Highway south of Regan's Ford B. laricina cone on the Brand Highway south of Regan's Ford